The importance of play and having fun as children and its impact on their mental and physical well-being have been extensively studied. However, more data on the importance of play and fun as adults must be collected.
A study published in 2019 by Van Veet et al., Carnegie Mellon University, Utah, defined adult play as “an activity performed with a goal of amusement/fun; an enthusiastic, in-the-moment attitude; and a high degree of interaction either with the activity itself or with interaction partners.”
Examples of adult fun activities include outdoor sports like soccer or tennis, nature walks, hiking, and painting. If you want more ideas, check out https:// lifegoalsmag.com/play-activity-ideas-fun-adult/
However, my favorite definition of fun is doing something you enjoy “with no real purpose or agenda in mind.” You engage in these activities because you find it fun, not to win or become a pro. For instance, I am terrible at virtual reality video games. My husband and kids are good at this and enjoy doing it. Being part of this activity is gratifying because I get to spend time with my teenage children and husband. The study by Van Veet et al. I mentioned above found that intentionally incorporating play into one’s life brings about several positive outcomes such as:
1. Generating positivity in the mind because it is an intensely enjoyable 1 experience
2. Providing the individual a break from everyday stressors and responsibilities, 2 thereby reducing stress.
3. Promoting emotional and psychological bonding between individuals. People feel more comfortable being honest and transparent with each other after 3 participating in a shared play activity
4. Providing a safe context (free from negativity and seriousness) in which partners can relate to each other, express themselves, and increases their ability to read each other’s nonverbal and verbal expressions. Over time, by consistently incorporating play into relationships, you will realize a remarkable ability to discern signs and interpret words in more serious circumstances.
5. Improves your professional life by improving problem-solving abilities because it forces you to think unconventionally. There are proven theories around this. One of which is the “broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions.” It asserts that positive emotions, likely to be generated by play, produce different types of thought-action that are advantageous for problem-solving. Relatedly, experimental work has found that positive emotional states predict better performance on a problem-solving task than negative or neutral emotional states.
So get out there and make time to have fun. Be intentional in enjoying this beautiful world and the beautiful people God has placed in your life.
The importance of having fun: Daily play among adults with type L diabetes Meredith Van Vleet, L Vicki S. Helgeson, 1 and Cynthia A. Berg. 1Carnegie Mellon University, US University of Utah, USA
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